At Living Hope Church we place our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and we seek to grow in our understanding of His teachings, embodying His love and grace in all we do.

Faith in Christ

Faith: We are rooted in a deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. Our faith guides every aspect of our lives and shapes our decisions.


Love: Love is the foundation of our community. We strive to love one another as Christ loved us, embracing diversity and showing kindness to all.


Hope: Our hope is anchored in the promises of God. We believe that through Christ, there is always hope even in the midst of challenges.

Unity and Diversity

Unity: We celebrate our cultural diversity while finding unity in our shared faith. Together, we create a harmonious and supportive community.

Service and Outreach

Service: Inspired by Jesus’ example of service, we are committed to serving our local and global community through acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion.

Biblical Truth and Integrity

We uphold the authority and truth of the Bible, striving to live our lives with integrity and aligning our actions with the teachings of Scripture.