Living Hope Church is a NON-DENOMINATIONAL CHURCH IN AUSTIN, TEXAS. we are a vibrant Nepali-speaking community that comes together to worship, Bible teaching, and grow our faith in god.

Living Hope Church is a NON-DENOMINATIONAL CHURCH IN AUSTIN, TEXAS. we are a vibrant Nepali-speaking community that comes together to worship, Bible teaching, and grow our faith in god.

Living Hope Church is a NON-DENOMINATIONAL CHURCH IN AUSTIN, TEXAS. we are a vibrant Nepali-speaking community that comes together to worship, Bible teaching, and grow our faith in god.


We welcome all of you to our church to praise our God and Savior. We are a family of believers with a mission to share the truth of Christ, save souls, and spread the gospel of Christ nationwide.


Stay updated on upcoming events. Experience the joy of worship and the Bible teaching. Our Sunday worship services are live-streamed on our Facebook page and later posted on YouTube channel, allowing you to join us virtually.

Location:  Living Hope Church Austin 

2203 W Anderson Ln. Ste B, Austin, TX 78757

How to Find us

making it easy for you to join us for worship and fellowship. fill out the contact form to get in contact.

How to Find us

making it easy for you to join us for worship and fellowship. fill out the contact form to get in contact.

How to Find us

making it easy for you to join us for worship and fellowship. fill out the contact form to get in contact.

How to Find us

making it easy for you to join us for worship and fellowship. fill out the contact form to get in contact.

Content us

    Content us

      Content us

        Our Mission

        Love God, Love people, Preach the Bible 

              Core Values:

        • Faith: We are rooted in a deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. Our faith guides every aspect of our lives and shapes our decisions.

        • Love: Love is the foundation of our community. We strive to love one another as Christ loved us, embracing diversity and showing kindness to all.

        • Hope: Our hope is anchored in the promises of God. We believe that through Christ, there is always hope even in the midst of challenges.

        • Unity: We celebrate our cultural diversity while finding unity in our shared faith. Together, we create a harmonious and supportive community.

        • Service: Inspired by Jesus’ example of service, we are committed to serving our local and global community through acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion.

        Worship and Fellowship:

        • Our worship services are a joyful celebration of God’s goodness. Through heartfelt worship, dynamic preaching, and engaging teachings, we seek to encounter God’s presence and deepen our understanding of His Word. We believe that genuine fellowship is essential for spiritual growth. Our church provides various opportunities for fellowship, including small groups, prayer meetings, and special events, where we can share our lives, build meaningful relationships, and encourage one another.

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